Ideas Springboard
To help get you started on your topic, below are some links to articles to help you choose what to write your speech about
Environmental Kaitiakitanga
- The importance of Rāhui e.g. Kauri Dieback in the Waitakere Ranges
- Aotearoa giving legal rights to land e.g. Mount Taranaki or Whanganui River or Te Urewera
- Te Ara on ‘Kaitiakitanga Today’ or Kaitiaki
- Restoring the Mauri of Lake Omapere
- Prince Harry’s kaitiakitanga inspired sustainability plan
- Far North Iwi and Kaitiakitanga
- Kaitiakitanga and Climate Vocabulary
- Predator Free 2050 article
- Antarctica Kaitiakitanga through Scott Base
- Unknown conservationists from history e.g. Richard Henry
Personal Kaitiakitanga
- No Friend But the Mountains by Behrooz Bouchani; or an article on Behrooz Bouchani being free in NZ
- Article on the History of Refugee Rights
- The ‘Free Britney’ movement - at 38 years of age, Britney had a legal guardian
- Anti-vax guardianship case in New Zealand; an article on the surgery being approved
- Asylum seeking in Australia
Cultural Kaitiakitanga
- Guardians from Māori mythology – e.g. Poutini (the Pounamu protector)
- How one man saved his awa
- Māori taking back control of their stories - Story Sovereignty
- Poi E documentary
- Artificial Intelligence for the people - Te Reo Māori and Artificial Intelligence
- Taking care of our kupu - talking about the word: Kaitiaki
If you need any help with your research, the librarians are here to help. Pop into the library or email [email protected]